TurbochargersPlus Warranty Process.
How does the Warranty Process work?
More than 90% of initial after sales inquiries are not related to a Turbocharger defect.
And our TurbochargersPlus Warranty Process, employs a “Ticketing” system to assess the issue.
A Ticket is generated when a customer has an after sales inquiry, that may be a Turbocharger warranty issue.
To generate a Ticket, the customer fills in a short form (form link found in email sent at purchase, filled by using the same email address for purchase).
The ticket then holds all information related to the case at hand.
Turbocharger faults are complex and hard to diagnose.
We do our best to assess and filter inquiries at minimum cost to both parties.
The process may identify installation or external factors contributing to the issue.
Or we may determine the fault is unable to be solved within the system, and require the Turbocharger sent back for internal inspection.
Where we have adequate information within a Ticket to make an accurate decision, we sometimes do not require return of the Turbocharger.
This can save time and money, especially where the issue is rectified in-situ, and does not require un-install or re-install of components.
We also have a factory that will not warranty turbos we send in, that don’t conform to the terms of our warranty stipulations.
So a Turbocharger is only faulty by manufacture, when we deem so.
And if the fault relates to actual manufacture defect, it comes under our Limited Warranty (limited to parts supplied).
Turbocharger Quality Control
A vast majority of initial ‘defects’ reported are related to install and operation.
And the many of those failures occur soon after install.
Only around 2%-3% of Turbochargers fail in the first 2 or 3 operational years, due to a true manufacture defect.
Factory Quality Control (QC) standards need to be high and precise, as Turbocharges are precision machinery.
Turbo impellers / turbines spin up to working speeds of around 100,000 to 180,000 (depending on model).
Factory QC includes VSR (Vibration Sorting Rig) bench balancing, as an absolute requirement.
Balancing the compressor and turbine ends of the CHRA, ensure imbalances are eliminated to allow vibration-less, high-speed spin.
Likewise, bench flow-testing is done on Variable Nozzle Technology (VNT) Turbocharges to ensure correct operation of vanes.
The process calibrates variable-vane/nozzle Turbochargers to original flow parameters.
And is done for both pneumatically operated, and electronically actuated, VNT Turbochargers.
Additionally, the flow testing process allows for pressure testing of the oil / gas ‘seals’ in the CHRA.
The QC process also includes the torque and testing of every nut and bolt on the Turbocharger.
You may notice small paint marks on these parts of a Turbocharger, showing they have been through QC.
Turbocharger Warranty Checks
If we have a turbocharger returned for internal warranty inspection, we dis-assemble and create a report with photos on findings.
We often get assurances that correct installation or vehicle operation has been adhered to.
But unfortunately internal inspections often reveal issues such as:
‘blueing’ on the shaft (from excessive heat from lack of oil flow)
Usually accompanied by:
Scoring of the shaft and damage to the bearing system (oil flow issue and ‘dirty’ oil).
And there are many other issues relating to Turbocharger Installation Faults and Turbocharger Vehicle Operational Faults.
But problems associated with oil, contribute to a vast majority of Turbocharger failure.
Here is more information on Turbocharger Oil Systems and why it’s so Important.
There are certain practices that must be followed without exception, when installing a new Turbocharger.
We have seen people install turbos without cleaning or replacing oil feed lines.
Or pre-priming the oil gallery and oil line feed, before initial startup, or after draining oil in a service.
And this is almost certain to create immediate failure of the Turbo, or significant decrease in operational life span.
The global standard for Turbocharger install, was created by Honeywell Garrett (the largest Turbocharger manufacturer).
The standard sets out a “Best Practice for Turbocharger Installation”, and we use it as a template for successful Turbocharger installation.
Additionally, before installing a new Turbocharger, the question needs to be asked: Why did the original Turbocharger fail?
Occasionally it is just age-related wear.
But if not, it is VERY important to fix the underlying cause before installing a new Turbocharger and replicating the problem.
We will honor warranty if install and operation, conforms to warranty requirements & Terms and Conditions of Sale.
So rest assured, if it is a manufacture defect (warranty case), your case will be dealt with in a professional manner.
It simply comes down to this:
If the problem has to do with Turbocharger Installation Faults, or Turbocharger Vehicle Operational Faults, then it is not a warranty.
If it is a manufacture defect, it is a warranty.
And if we are uncertain, we err on the side of the customer, and warranty the Turbocharger.
If you have queries on our TurbochargersPlus Warranty Process, or our Turbochargers and parts, please contact our sales support on: 0490 059 316.